Knowledge Base

How do I configure the Windows Firewall?

Microsoft has developed a great article centered around configuration of the Windows...

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Jonthan Twyman

How do I enable ICMP echos in Server 2008?

To enable ICMP replies in Windows Server 2008 you must allow ICMP packets through the...

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How do I install an OS through my IPMI?

IPMI Virtual Media How To For Single CPU Xeons (X3400) 1. Login to the IPMI...

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How do I purchase additional IP addresses?

We have made it possible for you to add IPs to your server instantly through our...

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How Do I Remove My IP From Trend Micro's DUL

If you encounter issues sending e-mail due to a listing in Trend Micro's DUL...

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How do I run a ping?

PING stands for Packet INternet Groper. This is a simple diagnostic tool implemented...

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How do I run a traceroute?

Both Windows and Linux have the ability of diagnosing the health of a connection...

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How do I schedule FSCK to run automatically?

Using cron to schedule an FSCK By default, a fsck is forced after 30 reboots or 180...

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How do I set additional IPs in Windows?

By default, Limestone only binds your first primary IP address. This is because there...

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How do I set Primary IP of my server?

When you have multiple blocks, its hard for our Support Techs to determine which IP is...

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How do I set up my NAS account?

Setting up access to your NAS account is pretty simple. All of the information and...

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How do I set up rDNS?

You have the power of creating/deleting/modifying rDNS entries directly from your...

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How do I set up SSH key authentication?

SSH packets being sent from the SSH client to the server are encrypted with a form of...

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